Noble Titles of the Kingdom
Queen Ernylee of the Kingdom of Bellelealand is accepting petition for the following titles:
Duke/Duchess - Highest nobles of the Kingdom - $300
You shall be addressed as "Your Grace." This is the highest non-royal title. The only more powerful title is King/Queen. Your title includes royal decree of title; maps of kingdom and dukedom (named per your request); noble medallion; tiara for duchesses; kingdom charter and story the kingdom delivered in velvet royal dukedom book. May add counties or baronies to your dukedom map. Title is inheritable.
Earl/Count/Countess - Ruler of a County - $250
You shall be addressed as "The Most Honorable." You title includes royal decree of title; maps of kingdom, dukedom where your county is located, and county (named per your request); noble medallion; tiara for countesses; kingdom charter and story. May add baronies to your county map. Lifelong title, not inheritable.
Viscount/Viscountess/Marquis/Marquise - $200
These nobles do not rule over land, but are citizens highly regarded by the Ruler of a Dukedom or the Kingdom and appointed as task-oriented title, such as sheriff. You shall be addressed as “Your Honorable.” Your title includes maps of kingdom , county, and or dukedom where your title is recognized,;noble medallion; tiara for female titles; kingdom charter and story. This is a lifelong title, not inheritable.
Baron/Baroness/Earl/Viscount/Viscountess - $200
You shall be addressed as Lord or Lady. Your title includes maps of kingdom, dukedom and or county where your barony is located; map of your barony (named per your request); noble medallion; kingdom charter and story. Lifelong title, not inheritable.
All Knighthoods - $100
The Noble Order of the Keepers of the Flame.
The Keepers of the Flame is a Knighthood Order for firefighter. All firefighters petitioning the Queen shall be awarded this honour. There is no cost for this Honor. The recipient receives full color royal decree from the Queen and beautiful knight medallion.
The Royal Order of the Queen's Court
These knights the protectors of the throne, bound to the protection of the Queen and her Court. Receives full color royal decree from the Queen and knight medallion.
Royal Order of the Queen's Royal Isles
For children under the age of 18 years old. The Knight Academy is on the Isle of Chowa in the Queen's Royal Isles. Recipients received a map of the Queen's Royal Isles, royal decree and knight medallion.
Noble Order of the Gratiae
This order was founded by D'Ann, Duchess of Kathleen'sIsle. The order is to honour Joy, Beauty, Charm and Happiness. All applicants shall be vetted by the Duchess for acceptance.
Noble Order of the Red Heart
The newest order, founded in 2018 by the Queen to honor special people who are the Kingdom's "Protectors of the Arts." Recipients receive royal certificate and medallion.
Email the Queen for formal petition:
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