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Theta Pi Alpha θΠΛ
Vision: Develop Healthy Young Women who are Leaders of their communities
Each year the princesses elect a president of Theta Pi Alpha who choses the Theme for the Year which includes the Color, Symbol and Flower for the Year
Mascot: Frog
Motto: "No tienes que besar una rana para convertirte en una princesa" (You don't have to kiss a frog to become a princess)
The θΠΛ Sorority was founded in 2000 by the Queen of Bellelealand in support of THE PRINCESS ACADEMY staff. All students of THE PRINCESS ACADEMY are invited to become members of the Theta Pi Alpha Sorority. The θΠΛ sorority is a social, educational and service organization. The sisters are encouraged to have fun, make friends, participate in community support projects, and support each other in their school studies and social growth. It is governed by a charter and the sorority sisters who elect officers.
Each president, elected annually, presides over the members under the supervision of THE PRINCESS ACADEMY Headmistress, Agnes Goldenrod.

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